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Jan. 8, 2020

A Dream Reclaimed a Transformed Life

A Dream Reclaimed a Transformed Life

Life offers spectacular opportunities to achieve dreams, realize potential, and suffer through hardship. The attitude we adopt in response to what life serves up can be the difference between a fulfilled and victorious life or one registered as...

Life offers spectacular opportunities to achieve dreams, realize potential, and suffer through hardship. The attitude we adopt in response to what life serves up can be the difference between a fulfilled and victorious life or one registered as disappointing and the victim of circumstance. Yet, the magnificence of the human spirit to persevere, take responsibility for choices made, and create a desired future to step into is positively captivating.

Working on Purpose Radio Show is broadcast live at Tuesday's at 6PM ET on W4CY Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( This podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (