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Nov. 23, 2016

Acting Out: Dalton Craft's Young Rise to the Stage

Acting Out: Dalton Craft's Young Rise to the Stage

Many young and more seasoned pepole seek a field of work that has a convenient path to entry. That is, they had limited exposure to options, or a family member or friend were employed in a particular field and soon enough find themselves just...

Many young and more seasoned pepole seek a field of work that has a convenient path to entry. That is, they had limited exposure to options, or a family member or friend were employed in a particular field and soon enough find themselves just following suit. Today, many people reinvent themselves and pursue entirely different fields later in life. And then there are the seemingly few and precious minority who discover early on in their lives exactly what they wanted to do for a living in elementary school or earlier. As it were, the host crossed paths with an extraordinary young man, extremely articulate, and something of “an old soul.” In speaking with him about his plans for the future, he boldly indicated he planned to pursue an acting career and had been firm in this plan since at least age 11. Exhilarating to hear! Perhaps both my youth and adult listening audiences can learn a thing or two from this young man about how to identify what we really want to be when we grow up?