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June 28, 2017

Anticipating and Overcoming Adversity - A Way of Life Toward Purpose in Service to Others

Anticipating and Overcoming Adversity - A Way of Life Toward Purpose in Service to Others

Staff Sergeant Jason Morgan served in the United States Air Force as a member of an elite unit that provided meteorological and combat support for special operations missions. In 1999, with only a few days left in his deployment in Ecuador with the...

Staff Sergeant Jason Morgan served in the United States Air Force as a member of an elite unit that provided meteorological and combat support for special operations missions. In 1999, with only a few days left in his deployment in Ecuador with the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, SSgt. Morgan came under fire by a militant terrorist group and ultimately was thrown from the vehicle he was riding in, crushing his back, and leaving him paralyzed and face down in contaminated water. After two months in a coma, the road to recovery for SSgt. Morgan was long and daunting, plagued with debilitating pain, infections, and dozens of surgeries, as well as a leg amputation. But despite the immeasurable challenges SSgt. Morgan has faced over the past 17 years, he still has an incredible thirst for life and adventure. In this episode, we talk about the importance of overcoming adversity and the purpose that can be found in service to others.