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Sept. 4, 2019

Changing Everything to Avoid Catastrophe: Life Post Incarceration

Changing Everything to Avoid Catastrophe: Life Post Incarceration

How do you respond when life knocks you down? Way down? When one day you seem to be on top of the world, living the high life of running a successful business, playing golf at the country club, running for political office, and partying, to the next...

How do you respond when life knocks you down? Way down? When one day you seem to be on top of the world, living the high life of running a successful business, playing golf at the country club, running for political office, and partying, to the next when you find yourself in prison for the choices you made along the way? Here is where choice and mindset play strong: You can continue down the spiral you have been falling down, or you can quite literally, change everything. Mike Rouse chose to change everything in his life post incarceration, in order to open a path to passion, fulfillment, impact, and success.