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Dec. 31, 2021

Christmas as an Everyday State of Mind

Christmas as an Everyday State of Mind

What if we lived every day of the year as if it were Christmas as if we were Santa Claus? What if we let ourselves be called into a higher state of being that embodied love, gratitude, and giving, every day – not just during the holidays? It’s a good...

What if we lived every day of the year as if it were Christmas as if we were Santa Claus? What if we let ourselves be called into a higher state of being that embodied love, gratitude, and giving, every day – not just during the holidays? It’s a good bet that not only would our own immediate life and well-being skyrocket to a higher level, but the ripple effect could literally cascade across the world. Christmas is a state of mind that is available to us all, no matter what religion we observe.

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