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Dec. 27, 2017

Cooking Up Substance

Cooking Up Substance

Join the conversation as Chef Tara Anderson of Tara’s Table, who launched two product lines, Half Pint Palates in 2013 and will be launching Mother Meatball in 2015, shares her journey from a successful corporate executive chef to starting her own...

Join the conversation as Chef Tara Anderson of Tara’s Table, who launched two product lines, Half Pint Palates in 2013 and will be launching Mother Meatball in 2015, shares her journey from a successful corporate executive chef to starting her own company. You’ll learn why she felt compelled toward entrepreneurship, how she made the tough decision to leave a great job, the early steps she took to launch the business, and how her life has since changed throughout her odyssey.

This show is broadcast live on Tuesday's 6PM ET on W4CY Radio – ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (