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Oct. 16, 2019

Ending Human Trafficking: People are Never for Sale or Purchase

Ending Human Trafficking: People are Never for Sale or Purchase

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and victims, often sourced through their vulnerability, are subject to force, fraud or coercion for the purposes of forced labor and/or sexual exploitation. With 24.9 million victims across the globe, this...

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and victims, often sourced through their vulnerability, are subject to force, fraud or coercion for the purposes of forced labor and/or sexual exploitation. With 24.9 million victims across the globe, this atrocity represents a waste of a person’s one, precious life and must be halted to usher in a world where all people are free to live beyond bondage to others, a decidedly higher plane of consciousness than we currently dwell. The United Against Human Trafficking organization stands to insure we live in a world that is intolerant of buyers and sellers of human beings.