In today’s bustling times, we face personal, business, and cultural challenges that are volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, also known as VUCA. These challenges require situationally aware, adaptive, and strong leadership. Enter flow: When...
In today’s bustling times, we face personal, business, and cultural challenges that are volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, also known as VUCA. These challenges require situationally aware, adaptive, and strong leadership. Enter flow: When time seems to stand still, the right decisions come easily, we experience a sense of heightened awareness, and optimal experience emerges. In this episode, Dr. Judy shares her research into the flow experiences of firefighters and how training impacts flow-based decision making. This research shows how we can consciously choose to maximize our personal flow experiences, while putting in place the conditions to help others maximize their flow experiences. Incorporating flow-based leadership practices facilitates and enables employees to better align talents to organizational mission, intensify innovation, improve productivity, and increase the bottom line. Ultimately, this extends to personal, organizational, and community well-being.