Only 16 percent of the global workforce is fulfilled in the work they do. That figure is at least partly so because the leaders inside many organizations do not see people as individual, wholly unique beings with special talents – but rather as “human...
Only 16 percent of the global workforce is fulfilled in the work they do. That figure is at least partly so because the leaders inside many organizations do not see people as individual, wholly unique beings with special talents – but rather as “human resources” to be dispatched or engaged in a set of tasks. The tremendous opportunity that beckons is to first stop believing the lies we’ve come to accept as truths about work and how it gets done, and to prize each individual on the team.
Working on Purpose Radio Show is broadcast live at 6pm ET Tuesdays on W4CY Radio ( part ofTalk 4 Radio ( on theTalk 4 Media Network ( Thispodcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (