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Oct. 31, 2018

Growing Business With a MasterMind Group

Growing Business With a MasterMind Group

There’s a lot of talk about mindset these days. We all know that being around hungry, driven people inspires us to improve. But what almost no one understands about mindset is that it’s hard to change in isolation. It’s not just about reading books...

There’s a lot of talk about mindset these days. We all know that being around hungry, driven people inspires us to improve. But what almost no one understands about mindset is that it’s hard to change in isolation. It’s not just about reading books that help you grow. You need to get advice from peers on how they overcame the same problems and frustrations you’re facing. A powerful way to gain access to these very people is by joining a Mastermind group. Here, we talk with Ronan Leonard.

This show is broadcast live on Tuesday's 6PM ET on W4CY Radio – ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (