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May 28, 2024

Have You Given Up? Learn to Avoid “the Swipe” in Pursuit of Your Most Cherished Dreams

Have You Given Up? Learn to Avoid “the Swipe” in Pursuit of Your Most Cherished Dreams

What cherished projects, dream jobs or important relationships have you pined for years to realize but have quietly given up on? “Swiping” is the disengagement from the deep, meaningful experiences of life and work that invariably require a lot of...

What cherished projects, dream jobs or important relationships have you pined for years to realize but have quietly given up on? “Swiping” is the disengagement from the deep, meaningful experiences of life and work that invariably require a lot of attention and focus that when abandoned lead to unhappiness and disappointment. What if you could learn why you fall prey to “swiping” away these dreams, and learn to train yourself to adopt a simple but powerful way to keep yourself on track?

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