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Aug. 12, 2020

Hospice Biographers: Memorializing Lives

Hospice Biographers: Memorializing Lives

Imagine someone you love is standing at the precipice of their own death. They’re about to leave behind those they hold dear, and their passing will leave a hole in your life. How can you ease their pain and give them a way to leave something of...

Imagine someone you love is standing at the precipice of their own death. They’re about to leave behind those they hold dear, and their passing will leave a hole in your life. How can you ease their pain and give them a way to leave something of themselves behind? The human voice is such a powerful relationship tool, and yet when people die, it’s gone. Unless there’s someone there to catch it. People ache to share their greatest hopes, dreams, disappointments, and learnings. And when they pass, loved ones miss the voice that came with the being and hearing what their lives represented. Barbara Altounyan, a 30-year BBC TV and radio veteran and her team live to capture the stories of those soon to depart - and do so with profound appreciation and outright revelry.