Customers, especially successful ones, are the lifeblood of any business. Creating successful customers—with a memorable customer experience—is increasingly the differentiator in a competitive marketplace, according to Bill Lee. After all, your...
Customers, especially successful ones, are the lifeblood of any business. Creating successful customers—with a memorable customer experience—is increasingly the differentiator in a competitive marketplace, according to Bill Lee. After all, your buyers, your prospects, your market will find out how much your customers value you—whether you want them to or not—in today’s uber-connected world. Marketing and sales no longer sell to customers—customers sell to other customers. Responding to that reality is not just good for the bottom line health of a business – it turns out it’s also a conduit to an engaged workforce. Tune in to this episode and find out why it matters who we hang out with at work – and just what it is those people say about us in the marketplace.