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May 20, 2020

Navigating Our Emotions

Navigating Our Emotions

Emotions are “energy in motion." When we leave them unexpressed, stuffed, unacknowledged, or numb them out, emotions have to go somewhere so lie in wait, latent, for the opportunity while often growing bigger and more intense. And then they can...

Emotions are “energy in motion." When we leave them unexpressed, stuffed, unacknowledged, or numb them out, emotions have to go somewhere so lie in wait, latent, for the opportunity while often growing bigger and more intense. And then they can unexpectedly erupt in our interactions with others or even make us sick. Learning where emotions originate in our body and how to use them to get present to what we feel and desire is a life-long, enriching opportunity.

Working on Purpose Radio Show is broadcast live at 6pm ET Tuesdays on W4CY Radio ( part ofTalk 4 Radio ( on theTalk 4 Media Network ( Thispodcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (