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Oct. 17, 2018

On Finding and Living from Purpose

On Finding and Living from Purpose

At a fundamental level, people across the world over crave connection to others and to a meaning and sphere larger than themselves often manifested in their spirituality. A significant number of them are in various stages of discovering their own...

At a fundamental level, people across the world over crave connection to others and to a meaning and sphere larger than themselves often manifested in their spirituality. A significant number of them are in various stages of discovering their own unique purpose that can they can translate into meaningful work. It turns out this discovery really takes something from us to accomplish – and when we do discover our purpose and put it to work – everyone around us wins. In this episode, we talk with motivational author Shawn Anderson who travels the world encouraging people to always “go the extra mile” in pursuit of their dreams and just what it takes to do so.