During his young teen years, Christopher Scott was given a prophecy by a priest who had occasion to meet him that he would live a remarkable life but would have to endure some horrific things along the way. Little did he know at the time just how...
During his young teen years, Christopher Scott was given a prophecy by a priest who had occasion to meet him that he would live a remarkable life but would have to endure some horrific things along the way. Little did he know at the time just how resoundingly true and sobering this utterance would be. Only a few years later, he would find himself in prison for a murder he did not commit, spend 13 years locked behind bars and miss seeing his two young children grow up and receive his tutelage.
This show is broadcast live on Tuesday's 6PM ET on W4CY Radio – (www.w4cy.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (http://www.talk4radio.com/) on the Talk 4 Media Network (http://www.talk4media.com/).