Did you know your business could be so much more than an engine of profitability? That through it, you and your team can be much more impactful and exponentially more valuable? The way to do it? Shepherd your business, with brilliance, guts, and...
Did you know your business could be so much more than an engine of profitability? That through it, you and your team can be much more impactful and exponentially more valuable? The way to do it? Shepherd your business, with brilliance, guts, and grace, to venture outside the superficial into the profound, past the collection of things into the realm of connection. Go beyond fragmentation into belonging, past the ordinary into the extraordinary, beyond transactions into transcendent experiences.
You can find out more about Dr. Alise at www.alisecortez.com
Working on Purpose is broadcast live Wednesday's at 6PM ET.
Working on Purpose TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com).
Working on Purpose Radio Show is broadcast on W4CY Radio (www.w4cy.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com).
Working on Purpose Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com).