What does it take for leaders to encourage or even cause innovation in their organizations today? It takes a strategic focus and a rigorously applied set of ongoing actions across and through the organization. The right mix of talent and the...
What does it take for leaders to encourage or even cause innovation in their organizations today? It takes a strategic focus and a rigorously applied set of ongoing actions across and through the organization. The right mix of talent and the conversational tone and culture are potent components of the ingredient mix as a platform to launch innovation. To stimulate the environment toward ongoing innovation, leaders will need to cast meaningful and inspiring visions. Guest: Dr Andrea Zintz
This show is broadcast live on Tuesday's 6PM ET on W4CY Radio – (www.w4cy.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (http://www.talk4radio.com/) on the Talk 4 Media Network (http://www.talk4media.com/).