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Aug. 9, 2017

Stress, Pressure, and Over Reliance on Cell Phones: What They All Add Up to for Young People Now Entering the Workforce

Stress, Pressure, and Over Reliance on Cell Phones: What They All Add Up to for Young People Now Entering the Workforce

Have you noticed there’s a lot of talk today about the importance of developing a resilient, “growth” mindset? There’s good reason for it as mounting research indicates the potency and efficacy of a strong mindset geared toward persistence, growth,...

Have you noticed there’s a lot of talk today about the importance of developing a resilient, “growth” mindset? There’s good reason for it as mounting research indicates the potency and efficacy of a strong mindset geared toward persistence, growth, and possibility. But why do so many people fear and avoid failure, when it’s one of the most potent learning devices ever devised? In this episode, we talk with mental skills and performance coach Edward Watson about how to cultivate a growth mindset and embrace failure. Also, Mr. Watson will share the perspective he’s cultivated about the differences between boys and girls in terms of how they handle stress as derived from the years of work he’s done in schools. Finally, he’ll discuss the perils of a global society’s fixation and over reliance on cell or iphones, and how their use very poorly positions young people entering the workforce.