The field and inquiry of purpose is about to take a whole new leap into the possible. By taking what we know of the physical world through the science of color, we can understand more about our internal would through color theory. Color can give us...
The field and inquiry of purpose is about to take a whole new leap into the possible. By taking what we know of the physical world through the science of color, we can understand more about our internal would through color theory. Color can give us access to conscious and unconscious purpose. In this episode, we enjoy a fireside chat with Dr. Smith who has spent a lifetime researching and practicing leadership, organization and social systems development inside large and complex organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations. He lets us in on how he continued to discover and iterate his model based on purpose being the source of power and how it’s expressed in at least five dimensions. He also shares his ground-breaking additional lens through color theory to illuminate our purpose choice. Hearing the narration is rather like being taken on a tour of his fine mind, bearing witness to the unfoldment of his consciousness, while elevating our own understanding of the topic through a profoundly simple elegance.