“Do you really care about me? Or, do you just need me to get the work done?” Such a common refrain among a frazzled workforce still weathering the COVID fallout after two years. People everywhere have gotten sick with the virus, their loved ones have...
“Do you really care about me? Or, do you just need me to get the work done?” Such a common refrain among a frazzled workforce still weathering the COVID fallout after two years. People everywhere have gotten sick with the virus, their loved ones have died from it, and the intensity of it seems to have both led to burnout and elevated what is wanted and possible in life. An emerging trend is that much of the workforce is now on the hunt for companies who will honor their well-being.
You can find out more about Dr. Alise at www.alisecortez.com
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Working on Purpose Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com)