Each time a New Year clicks past, many of us are overtaken with an extreme resolve to finally go after the goals we believe will fulfill our lives. We achingly pledge, “new year, new me.” But how many of us really surge forth in a disciplined,...
Each time a New Year clicks past, many of us are overtaken with an extreme resolve to finally go after the goals we believe will fulfill our lives. We achingly pledge, “new year, new me.” But how many of us really surge forth in a disciplined, intentional manner throughout the full year to realize those ardent dreams and fulfill on the ambitions that we know would make the difference between living a rich and full life, or one we feel we need to apologize to ourselves at its conclusion?
This show is broadcast live on Tuesday's 6PM ET on W4CY Radio – (www.w4cy.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (http://www.talk4radio.com/) on the Talk 4 Media Network (http://www.talk4media.com/).