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Jan. 9, 2019

Whats Your Next? And How Will You Make It Happen?

Whats Your Next? And How Will You Make It Happen?

What will you do with your one, precious life? Full of “nexts,” you get to decide daily just what comprises this life of yours. It’s easy to get pulled down by the sheer momentum of everyday life. It takes dreaming about the life you want and all its...

What will you do with your one, precious life? Full of “nexts,” you get to decide daily just what comprises this life of yours. It’s easy to get pulled down by the sheer momentum of everyday life. It takes dreaming about the life you want and all its “next steps” and then striving to make it so. If you’re UP to something, there’s a very good chance you will need help, guidance, or support to bring it into fruition. In this episode, Extra Mile Shawn Anderson and I talk about the vitality going for our dreams in life gives you, and how you can find catalysts to make them come true. We urge you: do something worthy of your one precious life.