Many of us will spend a good portion of our lives getting over and recovering from the events of our childhood. It’s the steps we take, the work we do, and the grace we grant ourselves that can make all the difference as we work to unfold into our...
Many of us will spend a good portion of our lives getting over and recovering from the events of our childhood. It’s the steps we take, the work we do, and the grace we grant ourselves that can make all the difference as we work to unfold into our very best. It takes bravery, a strong dose of authenticity and sometimes a blind leap of faith. But the journey is oh so worth it. In this episode, Sherri shares her story of how she went from surviving her life to thriving.
Working on Purpose Radio Show is broadcast live at 6pm ET Tuesdays on W4CY Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( This podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (